Success Stories

The Cambodian government’s Decentralization and Deconcentration (D&D) reform has the objective of strengthening sub-national democratic development in Cambodia. In this regard, a decisive role is played by the councils and their sub-national administrations in the capital, provinces, municipalities, districts, khans and communes/sangkats in order to make decisions to respond to the needs of the citizens. According to the Law of the Management of Commune/Sangkat, the Law on the Election of Commune/Sangkat, the Law on the Management of Capital, Province, Municipality, District and Khan and the Law on the Election of Capital, Province, Municipality, District and Khan Councils, the council acts as a representative for the benefit of the citizens in their jurisdiction. Both female and male citizens are entitled to participate in decision-making processes in order for their needs to be better met. To date and in broad terms: very limited civic engagement at district and municipality level, due to  limited opportunities provided by district and municipality administration and lack of or gaps in implementation of civic engagement mechanisms on the supply-side of district/municipality administration, limited scope of decision-making and budget at district-level  which has just started to change, lack of citizens and CBOs awareness and understanding of decision-making processes at DM level and opportunities for engagement, and lack of citizen and Community-based Organizations (CBOs), and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) capacity to make use of existing engagement opportunities, especially at the district-level. 

FGD with CBOs and Citizens to gather their views and per-spectives on the effectiveness of Civic Engagement at DM level, KomreingDistrict, Battambang province

To address those issues and concerns, the ​Coalition for Partnership in Democratic Development (CPDD) secretariat compiled 7 case studies of Civic Engagement at DM level  at Battambang Province as Battambang krong, Banna, Thma Kuol, Bavel, Moung Russei, Kamrieng and ratanak Mondol district based on our members’ experiences of Community training organization for Development (CTOD) and Aphivat Strey (AS). The process of citizens/CBOs/CSOs engagement with district and municipality administrations in existing mechanisms was documented through field interviews with CBOs/CSOs/citizens in order to gather perceptions from them.

Half-day Joint Consultation Meeting between SNA and CSOs to develop joint lists of recommendation on Civic Engagement at DM level, Battambang Province

The process of case study development was carried out in 7 partner target districts of Battambang Province. The full study report and 7 list of the recommendations were finalized based on the factual findings from 7 case studies, consultation meetings (SDG) at DM level and field interview with 367 respondents (209 females). The joint list of recommendations between 7 District Administrations and CSOs were developed and endorsed from 7 District Administrations and joint consultation meetings held between Nov and Dec 2021. The joint lists of recommendations were presented to Provincial and National Level during the partnership technical meeting at Provincial and National Workshop on the joint lists of recommendations to priority recommendations for further actions for both levels. The list of joint recommendations between SNAs and CSOs for further implementation to promote the citizen participation mechanisms in all 7 districts were developed and accepted by SNAs in target DM in Battambang. 

One-day technical partnership meeting between SNA and CSOs to develop joint action plan to implement joint lists of recommendations on Civic Engagement at DM level, Battambang Province

Download the story in PDF, including Khmer version

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