Nurturing democratic accountability and good governance through the promotion of a common voice and meaningful engagement of civil society.
A Cambodian society where diverse citizens have equal access to quality, inclusive and social equity public services.
The coalition commits itself to nurture democratic accountability and good governance and promote transparency, accountability, mutual respect, cooperation, non-political approaches, and non-discrimination.
CPDD is seeking a qualified audit firm which is registered with the Governance Council of Kampuchea Institute of Certified Public Accountants and Auditors (“KICPAA”) to conduct a financial audit of Coalition for Partnership in Democratic Development Organization (CPDD) FY2022....
Guided by Article 10 and Article 17 of the by-law, the CPDD conducts the Annual Congress, including Exchange Learning once a year with the active participation of its members and engagement of relevant stakeholders. [...]...
The Access to Information Working Group (A2IWG), which consists of 30 members of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and partners, conducted a joint event called “the access to information”. Every year in September, we celebrate the event based on International Day for Universal Access to Informa...
The Access to Information Working Group (A2IWG), which consists of 30 members of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and partners, conducted the National Conference on Universal Access to Information. The conference aimed at promoting “the right to information” with inclusive participation from C...
Coalition for Partnership in Democratic Development CPDD conducted the CPDD Annual Conference 2021, on February 17, 2021 at Cambodiana Hotel, Phnom Penh, the purpose of annual conference is an opportunity for the members, Board of Directors (BoD), and the secretariat to develop a mutual understandin...
Coalition for Partnership in Democratic Development (CPDD), the Asia Democracy Network (ADN), Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation (JANIC), and United Cities and Local Governments in the Asia-Pacific (UCLG-ASPAC), ......
WGPD Quarterly meeting MOI, Phnom Penh: WGPD quarterly meeting on 30 August 2016 brought together 65 WGPD members from 24 provinces and Phnom Penh to discuss about: (1) the progress of IP3-II, ISAF implementation, (2) the government’ plan to integrate social protection into D&D process, (3) Sh...
Coalition for Partnership in Democratic Development Organization is a non-profit organization, neutrality, no racism, no religions discrimination, no siding with political tendency, no political performance, not being a political tool including not providing a mean of materials, finance, human resources in order to support any political party.