December 15, 2021

WGPD Quarterly meeting #1 to #14

WGPD Quarterly meeting

WGPD quarterly meeting with MoI

MOI, Phnom Penh: WGPD quarterly meeting on 30 August 2016 brought together 65 WGPD members from 24 provinces and Phnom Penh to discuss about: (1) the progress of IP3-II, ISAF implementation, (2) the government’ plan to integrate social protection into D&D process, (3) Sharing succes stories and challenges around SNDD.


Coalition for Partnership in Democratic Development Organization is a non-profit organization, neutrality, no racism, no religions discrimination, no siding with political tendency, no political performance, not being a political tool including not providing a mean of materials, finance, human resources in order to support any political party.